The Operative Manager of the WCS-USAID Program “Ka'aguy Retã: Bosques y Desarrollo", Mr. Angel Brusquetti, attended the VII Latin American Congress of Agroforestry for Sustainable Livestock Production, with emphasis on silvopastoral systems for a green economy, held at Belém do Pará (Brazil) from 8 to 10 November 2012.
At the event, experts from Brazil and others countries, highlighted the importance of silvopastoral systems for the increased need to produce food efficiently, on one hand, and on the other, the need to reduce greenhouse gases (mainly methane/kg product) during the production process.
These systems also stand out for their high value for biodiversity conservation and increased landscape connectivity. Additionally, they are associated with reduced erosion and sediment basins. Producers from Latin America and the Caribbean are increasingly seeing them as a way to enhance their own income generation without damaging the environment, which strengthens the importance of studying and optimizing these methods.