WCS Paraguay staff

Belén Ortiz
Analista GIS
Frederick Bauer
Scientific Director
Frederick Bauer serves as Scientific Director at WCS.
Jorge Pinazzo
Conservation Coordinator in Protected Areas
Jorge Pinazzo serves as Conservation Coordinator in Protected Areas at WCS.
Laura Villalba
Jaguars Program Coordinator
Laura is a biologist with extensive experience in scientific research and biodiversity monitoring. She has been working with WCS since 2011 on the design, implementation and systematization of jaguar (Panthera onca) camera trappingresearch in the Paraguayan Chaco, based on her previous experience in other biodiversity monitoring projects in the Chaco for 8 years. She also has extensive knowledge of the management of protected areas as a graduate of prestigious international technical courses such as the Course for the Evaluation of Management Efficiency inProtected Wildlife Areas, at CATIE (Costa Rica), and the International Protected Areas Management Course at the Colorado State University (Colorado, EE.UU)
Leticia Falcón
Administrative accounting assistant
Leticia Falcón serves as Administrative accounting assistant at WCS.
María del Carmen Fleytas
WCS Paraguay Country Director
After finishing her engineering degree, and working for two years as a technical assistant in the public land tenure sector, Maria del Carmen Fleytas Jover completed her MSc in Management and Implementation of Development Projects at Manchester University in 2000, before performing technical positions succesively at the public and NGO sector for more than 10 years, always linked to sustainable development. She has written and/or co-written three publications about environment and conservation, fields in which she has been working since 2005.
Rocio Esquivel
Finance and Administration Manager
Rocio Esquivel serves as Finance and Administration Manager at WCS.
Yolanda Ramos
Analyst, Field Data
Yolanda Ramos serves as Analyst, Field Data at WCS.